Music Kurekhin Sergei, and Auktsyon groups will execute Karavaychuk at the Volkov Manifest festival

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It is the author's project of the contrabass player Volkov Vladimir, which task — to unite music, theater, dance, cinema and painting. "Volkov Manifest" is carried out in Petersburg since 2014 and becomes a platform for original crossing of different musical genres: from new reading of classics to minimalism and a free juzz. Oleg Nikolaevich Karavaychuk the Festival will open on December 14 instrumental and vocal music of the German baroque, on a scene of a concert hall "Kani Kirik" also will sound the Russian neobaroque. Heinrich von Biber's compositions and Shmeltser Iogan will execute Ten Alisa, Imamutdinov Danis. To collective...
Ten Alisa
Shmeltser Iogan
Imamutdinov Danis
Volkov Vladimir