Inhabitants of the Tyumen settlements complained to Putin of interruptions in electricity

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TYUMEN, on December 11, Federalpress. Inhabitants of the Tyumen settlements complained to the president of interruptions in electricity. Because of light shutdown in abnormal frosts people remained without heat, after all in many houses gas heating and coppers work from electricity. "Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we address to you from Perevalovo's all inhabitants. People sit without light days and freeze", – the man on video in city pablike tells to "VKontakte". Inhabitants of SNT "Indian Summer 2", "Birch 3", Reshetnikov's village which also freeze because of continuous interruptions in power supply share trouble...
Semen Aleksandrovich Tegentsev
Last position: Director (Department Housing AND Communal Services of the Tyumen region)
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Vakhrin
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Tyumen region)
Yushkova Olga