The skater from Kazakhstan won two silver in World Cup races

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The Kazakhstan skater Aydova Catherina took the second place at distances of 1500 and 500 meters in a division B at the World Cup stage in the Polish Tomashuve-Mazovetski, transfers NUR.KZ. The sportswoman following the results of running on 1500 meters conceded only to Netherlander Melissa Viyfa (%2B0,53 seconds). For the second place Aydova Catherina received 24 points on account of the World Cup. The Canadian Lamarsh Beatriz (%2B0,70) became the third at this distance in the division second for force. In sprint running on 500 meters Aydova Catherina lost only to the Netherlander Michel de Jongh (%2B0,63). The American Brittani Bou (%2B0,81) became the third at this distance...