Bus flights from Zlatoust to Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk] are cancelle

@Kurs dela
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In Telegram-kanale "All in Grigoryevsky gardens! " it is reported how in the conditions of abnormal frosts inhabitants of the village of Grigoryevk were warmed. The plot Chelyabinsk region freezes — the Samovar begins to boil, as my patience. Heating is not present. All this situation at all does not suit me — reports off-screen a female voice. Other post in the same channel says: — In a frost a minus 40, in the village where there is no gas heating disconnected electricity. We do not despond! We boil water in a samovar, we wait for neighbors on tea! To the events we treat while as an adventure. But still slightly also I will start being nervous. We discuss option to take all...