An award of the Union State in the field of science and equipment handed over in Minsk

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The festive event took place in National library of Belarus and is dated for the 24th anniversary of signing of the Contract on creation of the Union State of the Photo: Orlovsky Pawel / the Award ceremony of the Union State in the field of science and equipment took place BELTA in Minsk. Awards the group of scientists for development of innovative gene and geographical and genomic technologies of identification of the personality and specific features of the person on the basis of studying of gene pools of regions of the Union State is awarded, transfers Is white THAT. Among winners - the Belarusian scientists Kilchevsky Alexander, Mosse Irma...
Nicholas Yankovsky
Main activity:Politician
Orlovsky Pawel
Kilchevsky Alexander
Mosse Irma
Kotova Svetlana