Why the advertizing market of Russia is more Kazakhstan, despite the identical size of economy

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The political scientist Marat Shibutov in the Telegram-channel declared that it will be difficult to Kazakhstan mass media to maintain the competition with Russian because of advertizing restrictions, the correspondent of NUR.KZ reports. According to data which are provided by Marat Shibutov, RK advertizing market volume in 2021 made 76,5 billion tenge, the volume of the Russian market — 578 billion rubles that at a rate of 5,79 tenges makes 3 346,6 billion tenge. At a difference in gross domestic product by 9,3 times the size of the advertizing market of Russia is more Kazakhstan by 4,7 times. In Russia, unlike Kazakhstan, it is possible to advertize alcohol, substitutes of breast milk and system...
Tretyakov Vladimir