Students of Baryshky industrial and technological technical school got acquainted with work of the employee of criminal and executive inspection

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For involvement of candidates for criminal and executive system, and also for the purpose of prevention of offenses and crimes among youth the senior inspector of Baryshsky intermunicipal branch of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Ulyanovsk region Mansurova Xenia acquainted with work of the employee of criminal and executive inspection of students of Baryshsky industrial and technological technical school. During action students became listeners of one of public court sessions on representation of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA to Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Ulyanovsk region about replacement of corrective works with imprisonment concerning the person...