Two teams of TULGU passed in a semi-final of the World Cup in ICPC programming

@Moja Sloboda
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It will pass in December in St. Petersburg. From December 1 to December 4 in Novosibirsk there took place the XXIV Open Vsesibirsky Olympic Games on programming of I. V. Pottosin. It is the prestigious Olympic Games of the All-Russian level with the international participation. In the Campus of Novosibirsk more than 40 college teams from different corners of Russia, including team of the strongest higher education institutions of the country were gathered: MFTI, VShE, ITMO, St.Petersburg State University, Moscow State University, NSU, etc. The Tula state university was represented by team of Institute of applied mathematics and computer sciences of AVL-three as a part of Perezyabov Wladyslaw, Provotorin Leo and Basalova Anna...