Expert Lipilin: import sparkling wines will rise in price for 85 rubles in 2024

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In 2024 import wines to Russian Federation will rise in price. About it write daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" with reference to the executive director of the vinotorgovy companies to Fort Lipilina Alexander. According to him, the prices of silent wines will grow approximately by 65 rubles, and on sparkling — for 85 rubles. "In terms of the cost of a bottle of the price of silent wines will grow by 55–56 rubles, by the sparkling — approximately for 78 rubles. It is growth which is connected with excise increase. In addition, on prime cost with an excise the VAT which is paid at customs is added. Respectively, it is another 20% of a difference between cost before increase of an excise and after" — explained...
Pawel Borisovich Titov
Last position: President (PO Delovaya Rossiya)
Lipilina Alexander
PJSC Abrau-Durso
Main activity:Production of food