In Kishinev the passenger cursed the conductor because of Russian

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Language scandal happened in the capital Moldova: the passenger of the trolleybus cursed the conductor who has addressed to it in Russian, reported the Moldavian TV channel TV8, having published video shot by the passenger. Incident happened on December 1: the young passenger, despite frosty weather, opened a window in transport then the conductor in Russian asked it to close. It caused indignation in the girl, and she started demanding that with it spoke Romanian. As a result the conductor closed a window itself, however the passenger opened it again. Apparently on the presented shots, some passengers...
Sergey Lavrov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Maia Sandu
Last position: President of the Republic of Moldova (President Moldova)
Bogdan Tsyrdya
Last position: Deputy (Parliament Moldova)
Party of socialists Moldova
Political ideology:Социал-демократия, молдовенизм, евроскептицизм, русофильство, левоцентризм, румынофобия