The first actions at symptoms of flu

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First of all at symptoms of flu it is necessary to provide a confinement to bed. The infectiologist, the head of the department of infectious diseases of RNIMU of a name of N. I. Pirogov, professor Vladimir Nikiforov , transfers Day.Az ". Flu is characterized by that temperature quickly and sharply increases. If it occurred, there is nothing to push luck, it is necessary to lay down in a bed, to provide plentiful drink and to wait for the district doctor who will already precisely tell what the disease at you and will write out the corresponding preparations", - the doctor listed the first actions. He emphasized that you should not be engaged...
Vladimir Nikiforov
Last position: Head of the department of infectious diseases and epidemiology (FGBOU VO TO RNIM NAMED AFTER N. I. PIROGOVA MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)