In Krasnoyarsk Territory condemned the extortioner of revenue of a beach in a mudflow Daurskoye

@MK.RU Krasnojarsk
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In Krasnoyarsk Territory condemned the 27-year-old inhabitant of the regional capital. Two years it prevented to work to a beach in Daurskoye's village and demanded from the lawful owner to transfer a revenue half from businesses. The Krasnoyarsk citizen who demanded a revenue half from a beach in Daurskoye's village, got real penal. About it told in prosecutor's office the region. Department reported that the 27-year-old Krasnoyarsk citizen did not allow to work to the lawful owner of a beach in a mudflow Daurskoye Balahta district. In May, 2020 the businessman arrived on object to be prepared for the season beginning. However it was met constructed by someone in its territory by a fence...