Lavrentyev Innokenty is appointed new rukovodity Administration office federal antimonopoly service on Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

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The deputy head of Federal Antimonopoly Service Nelly Galimkhanova presented to Chapter Sakha (Yakutia) Republic to Aysen Nikolaev the new head of Managements Federal Antimonopoly Service on the republic. Lavrentyev Innokenty . In antimonopoly department Lavrentyev Innokenty works since 2012. From last year temporarily fulfilled duties of the head Administration office federal antimonopoly service on Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Russian Federation. "The antimonopoly service is very important body with which we constantly interact. It is sure that Lavrentyev Innokenty will effectively solve standing problems with such experience", – Aysen Nikolaev told...