The chief of Managements Administration office ministry justices Russian Federation on Pskov region handed over departmental awards by Day lawyers

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On December 01, 2023, on the eve of a holiday of Day lawyers, the chief of ESTABLISHMENT YUSTITSII PO GOSUDARSTVENNOY REGISTRATSII PRAV NA NEDVIZHIMOE IMUSHCHESTVO I SDELOK S NIM NA TERRITORII PSKOV OBLAST Nicholas Lvovich Okolesnov handed over departmental awards Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to federal civil civil servants of Managements. The ceremony of rewarding took place in Management Administration office ministry justices Russian Federation on Pskov region. For considerable progress and the difference shown at performance of important and urgent tasks and instructions, and in connection with celebration of Day lawyers are awarded: medal "For difference of the I degree Rafalsky Stanislas , the head of department on...