On Siversk the direction Cossacks destroyed 50 fighters of VSU and brought down seven thrones

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Cossacks of the Sixth Cossack Lisichansk crew of a name of M. I. Platov continue to improve the positions on Siversk the direction. The Supreme ataman of the Union of Cossack Soldiers Russian Federation and Abroad Nicholas Leonidovich Dyakonov in the Telegram reports that for three days of loss of the opponent made 50 people the killed. "Also our soldiers actively destroy equipment of the opponent. During the last days Ukrainians lost five mortars, the surveillance camera, the AGS installation and one pickup", - it is noted in Telegram. As reports Nicholas Leonidovich Dyakonov, Cossacks also conduct hunting on UAVs of the opponent. In particular, divisions...