Sergei Kurekhin, Oleg Nikolaevich Karavaychuk and neobaroque: the Russian vanguard and the German classics will sound in "Yaani Kirik"

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On December 14 and 16 under the arches concert halls "Yaana Kirik" will pass the musical VOLKOV MANIFEST festival. Its program consists of two conceptually different programs. The first day is devoted to the German baroque and the Russian neobaroque. The second — to legends of the Petersburg vanguard to Oleg Nikolaevich Karavaychuk and to Sergei Kurekhin. On December 14 fans of classics will please with execution of compositions of Bach, Shchmeltsera and Bieber's background. Listeners are waited for by interpretation of tool and vocal compositions of the German composers. In the second office of a concert guests will hear a local premiere of "Requiem" of Rust Pozyumsky, Petersburg...