It will reduce infrastructure risks at investments in foreign financial instrumentybank Russian Federation works over creation of depository bridges with the friendly countries, the director] declared on press conferences on November 3

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It will reduce infrastructure risks at investments in foreign financial instruments Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) works over creation of depository bridges with the friendly countries, the director of the department of financial stability declared on press conferences on November 30 Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) Elizabeth Danilov. "As for developments the relations with other countries, depository bridges, it really very important work difficult. My colleagues continue it to conduct", – told Elizabeth Danilov. Such bridges are necessary to reduce infrastructure risks at investments in financial instruments of the friendly countries, and also risks...
Eddy Astanin
Main activity:Official
Elizabeth Danilov
Last position: Director of the department of financial stability (Bank of Russia)
Stulov Maxime
Pimonov Igor
Mamonov Denise