The president of Sobiz Invest fund held a working meeting with the management OF THE TAMBOV CITY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION

@Sobiz Info
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The president of the Tambov regional public Fund assistance to business Koroleva Irina held on November 30 a working meeting with the management OF THE TAMBOV CITY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Regional duma of Tambov Pavel Plotnikov and specialists of Sobiz Invest fund the president of association Koroleva Irina Suslila and her deputy  Anna Boronina, and also the deputy. Coming into effect since October 30 of the current year of the Federal law No. 505-FZ "About modification of article 14.8 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation"" became a reason for discussion. According to this law...
Pavel Plotnikov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Regional branch office FAIR parties Russia in of the Tambov region)
 Anna Boronina
Last position: Singer, actress
Koroleva Irina
Suslina Irina