The concert of group 25/17 will take place on December 9 in Moscow

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In Moscow will pass the first stadium concert of group 25/17. About it information portal "Gazeta.Ru" were reported by representatives of collective. Performance will take place on December 9 at stadium JSC VTB Arena. At a concert the group will execute all the hits, and also presents new tracks from an album "Pleasure of Meetings and Partings". The group 25/17 was a basis in 2002 as the solo project of the former participant of Omsk rap group "Rtut" Andrey Aleksandrovich Pozdnukhov (Pale). Initially the collective was called "Ezechiel 25:17". The name comes from the Bible verse from the book of the antiquated prophet Ezechiel. Also on the name of the musician inspired the movie...