In claim the prosecutor Vargashi district the duty is assigned to Regionalnoye government to accept in property ownerless sibireyazvenny burials

@Prokuratura Kurganskoj oblasti
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Prosecutor's office Vargashi district Kurgan oblast carried out an inspection of observance of requirements of the veterinary legislation. It is established that in the territory of the Vargashinsky municipal district in Belovo, and also in of Kornilovo are located ownerless sibireyazvenny burials of animals. The prosecutor of the area appealed to court with the requirement to accept two sibireyazvenny burials in area property, to establish their sanitary protection zones. claims of the prosecutor are satisfied by Court, the duty is assigned to government of area to accept sibireyazvenny burials in property, to establish the sanitary protection...
Government oblasti
Government Agency
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency