The producer declared that Potap and Anastasia Kamenskikh try to return to Russian Federation. Top photo Anastasia Kamenskikh which managed to miss

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There was time when we and could not carry out weeks without that on pages of a site there was no new photoshoot Anastasia Kamenskikh in bikini. But everything changed after known events. Then Potap and Anastasia Kamenskikh were up in arms against Russian Federation, promised not to act more in this territory. But not so long ago they got to the awkward situation connected by that actors were noticed at a party in Dubai where easy spent time in companies the Russian actors. And now Potap's colleague, the producer Youri Fedorovich Bardash, it is the co-founder of Griby, Nervy and Quest Pistols groups, declared that Alexey precisely gathered...
Anastasia Kamenskikh (NK)
Last position: Singer, actress, TV host
Youri Fedorovich Bardash
Last position: Producer, choreographer, dancer, singer