In the past weekend, on November 11-12 in the Novgorod Kvantorium passed the final regional competitions industrial design "Meykerton"

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Participants competitions became children aged from 7 till 17 years which are fond of engineering creativity and research work. Applications for participation in four nominations of competition gave more than 140 children from 17 areas Novgorod Region and Veliky Novgorod. Competition took place in 2 stages: selection which took place in October and the internal final. Following the results of the correspondence stage, in the final competitions left 29 teams and 12 individual participants Veliky Novgorod, Veliky Novgorod, Borovichi, Demyansky, Krestetsky, Low-Vishera, Marevsky, Moshensky, Novgorod, Okulovsky, Parfinsky...