The ex-head of MSE bureau to Rostov Region condemned for 8 years for bribes and forgery

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City Court of the Gukovo city of the Rostov region recognized the former head of branch No. 30 of the Main bureau of medico-social examinations (MSE) on the region Kotov Boris guilty of receiving three bribes (h. 3 Art. 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation) for issue of references on disability of the second group without the bases – on 40 thousand rubles in 2014 and 2016 and 100 thousand – in 2017. Having summarized offenses with already established in 2022 – receiving 216 bribes and 1 666 episodes of office forgery, – court increased Kotov Boris punishment term from 7 and 6 months of imprisonment to 8 years. For the first time Kotov Boris was condemned in July, 2018. To it...