Deputies of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from "United Russia" Party carry out "Conversations about important" with students Khabarovsk Territory

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The secretary of the Khabarovsk regional office of "United Russia" Party, the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Ivanov Maxime communicated to pupils the Khabarovsk Medical college, told them about the importance of the main document of the country and its basic provisions. "To admit, medical students surprised me both knowledge of a subject, and interest to it. Though it not their profile. Children showed huge interest and to work of the deputy. Whether questions with a view to deputy career were set or it is simple for outlook expansion. Choice of profession which they already made: nurses, the paramedic, the obstetrician — already very correct and important" — marked out Ivanov Maxime ...