The soloist of punk group fined for repeated discredit of the Russian army
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In Norilsk the soloist of Drunkface punk group Nikolaeva Vladislava fined for repeated discredit of Armed forces Russian Federation (VS Russian Federation). About it reports Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the Mira Avenue channel. The sum of a penalty made 400 thousand rubles, a reason for initiations of legal proceedings became two posts of the musician, in one of which he was indignant with administrative detention for discredit which occurred in the summer of last year. According to a portal, it is the first sentence in Krasnoyarsk Territory under criminal article for army discredit. In Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel of vessels Krasnoyarsk Territory also it is noted that the actor...