In the Yaroslavl medical academy started training students from India

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To Yaroslavl there arrived the first groups of future Indian physicians. Within several days arrival of new groups being trained is expected. In a remote mode in English for the Indian students the Yaroslavl state medical university began occupations since November 1. Now Educational process will go already internally, in several cases of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE BYUDZHETNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "YAROSLAVSKY STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY" MINISTRY HEALTH CARE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION according to domestic programs, but in English. "In FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE BYUDZHETNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "YAROSLAVSKY STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY" MINISTRY HEALTH CARE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION students from several countries, and interest to ours are now trained in education, to culture of our country, our language grows" – the rector of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE BYUDZHETNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "YAROSLAVSKY STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY" MINISTRY HEALTH CARE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor Alexander Leonidovich Khokhlov told...