How the situation in connection with incidence of measles among students in Azerbaijan is?

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Baku / Trend/-in Azerbaijan became frequent in recent days cases of infection with measles. So, last month the gymnasium with the integrated training in Shaki temporarily suspended the activity because of a mass disease of measles. Then to Zagatalskaya Central district hospital 64 addresses with measles symptoms arrived from October 11 to November 17, 2023. Among pupils of high schools Atakishili, Soar-Sor, Pirili, Arabgubala sat down, Garasakkal District of Kurdamir are revealed cases of infection by measles. Besides, measles were found in three students of Dzhalilabadsky branch Azerbaijani...
Guseynov Dzhavid
Zeynally Dzhavid
Abdullaev Nidzhat
Guliev Kyamal
Baku state university
Main activity:Science and education
Central district hospital
Economics university
Polytechnic university