Tsareva Olga and Yermil Mikhaylovich Vokuev – the best on "A Syktyvkar ski track" in races by classical style; the Olympic champion Sergei Aleksandrovich Ustyugov – only the ninth

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on November 27, in Syktyvkar the All-Russian cross-country skiing competitions "A Syktyvkar ski track" came to the end. There took place female and man's races by classical style in which 168 and 273 athletes took part, respectively. Victories won Tsareva Olga and Yermil Mikhaylovich Vokuev. The Olympic champion of 2022 in relay Sergei Aleksandrovich Ustyugov finished only the ninth, having lagged behind already for 2 minutes. Agency "All sports" reports results...