The employee JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MKM" started installation in new pavilion of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH"

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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MKM" took part in opening of new pavilion in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH". The representative of a labor dynasty Shalagin Vyacheslav started "Industry heart" — the interactive installation devoted to the key enterprises of the country. The ceremonial opening of It Is Made by Us pavilion Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation took place in Unity Day 2016, on November 4. In festive day off on JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" exhibition "Russia" which shows achievements of the country in different branches of economy started and represents all Russian regions. In the first day of work exhibition accepted more than 190 thousand visitors. Leading opening ceremony...