That there was after input of armies Russian Federation to Ukraine. Day of the 642nd

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That there was after input of armies Russian Federation to Ukraine. Day of the 642nd Latest news and statements To Ryazan Region was brought down on November 27 by forces of air defense Ukrainian Air UAVs in the evening, reported the Ministry of Defence. The secretary general of NATO Jens Stoltenberg complained that at Ukraine there is no progress at the front, despite support of military-political alliance. Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) will resume operations within the budgetary rule for replenishment of FNB. As events — developed in translations newspaper "Kommersant". 22:40 . Against the editor-in-chief of "The Pskov province" Denise Nikolaevich Kamalyagin (it is declared by the foreign agent) brought criminal case about discredit of VS Russian Federation. 22:19 ...