Who will pay for transport?

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Owing to official duties often it is necessary to go on the city. The employer does not provide the car, suggesting to move by bus. If somewhere it is necessary to leave urgently, it is necessary to take a taxi. Whether are obliged to me to compensate transportation costs? Valeev Ramil. Ufa. The head State inspection work — the chief state inspector of work in Belarus Tatyana Astrelina answers — the Labour code provides a compensation for expenses on the drive only in case of the direction of the worker in business trip. In other situations of such duty at the employer is not present. But it, of course, does not mean...
Tatyana Astrelina
Last position: Head (State Labour Inspectorate for the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Valeev Ramil
Sokolov Eugenie
State inspection work
Government Agency