FUR plans to invite the Belarusian judge Aleksey Nikolaevich Kulbakov for work on RPL matches

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The chairman of judicial committee and the expert and judicial commission FUR Kamantsev Pavel did not exclude that for work on matches of the national championship the arbitrator from Belarus Aleksey Nikolaevich Kulbakov will be invited. "If round takes place well, we after all plan the invitation for spring. Perhaps, in the last round to a break will be, but these are organizational questions more" — quotes Kamantsev Pavel information agency "ITAR-TASS". Thus he emphasized that it will be for a start necessary to resolve "some organizational" issues, "connected with payments, tickets". Therefore in 2023 the Belarusian judges...
Kamantsev Pavel
Karasev Sergei
Barinov Dimitri