Ilya Shestakov noted that Putin on Kamchatka Territory is worthy a silver medal

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Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka, on November 25 - AIF-Kamchatka. Meeting of Far East scientific and trade council took place on Kamchatka Territory for the first time for 4 years. Participants discussed results salmon Putin. Council was opened Rosrybolovstvo chapter Federal Agency for Fishery by Ilya Shestakov on videokonferenstsvyazi. "Present salmon Putin - the second for production volume in the history of supervision. We finished it with a silver medal. Production volume on the alny East made 609 thousand tons", - Ilya Shestakov told. The medals "For Merits in Development Fishery Russian Federation" of the I degree were handed over to chapter Minrybkhoz kraya to Andrey Zdetovetsky, to the chairman...
Ilya Shestakov
Last position: Head (Federal Agency for Fishery)
Andrey Zdetovetsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry of the Rybnoye city of economy of the Kamchatka Territory)
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Galitsyn
Last position: Chairman of association (ADLK)
Eugenie Alekseevich Chekin
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Kurgan region)
Aleksey Baytalyuk
Last position: Deputy director-head of the Pacific branch (FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION "VNIRO")