Participants of the <6> Development </6> productive forces <3> Kuzbass </3> conference visited the Kemerovo state district power station

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Participants of section got acquainted with work of power plant "Infrastructure: Household management company and are expensive": representatives of administrations of the region and the municipalities, supervising questions of Household management company, deputy heads of the cities and areas, heads of the enterprises of Household management company from the different cities Kemerovo Region. Tour was conducted by the director of the Kemerovo state district power station Andrey Katuganov. Guests visited a management board , work of three kotloagregatov (No. No. 14,15 and 16) and two turbine units (No. No. 12 and 13) from where is controlled, visited turbine shop. Excursion on the main board of management came to the end. The Kemerovo state district power station — important...
Sergei Lysenko
Last position: Deputy Head, head of department of housing and communal services (Administration of Kemerovo)
Household management company