Penalties "for inducement to abortions" are entered in Kaliningrad Region

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The Legislative Assembly of Kaliningrad Region adopted the regional law entering a penalty for "inducement of the woman to artificial interruption of pregnancy". As declared in the Legislative Assembly press service, as the initiator the children's ombudsman Irina Tkachenko acted, she counts that the law will allow Russians "to count on a certain protection in difficult life situations". According to the document and the relevant amendments to regional KOAP, the size of a penalty will make from 3 to 5 thousand rubles for citizens, from 10 to 20 thousand - for officials and from 30 to 50 thousand - for legal persons. In the text of the law it is said that...
Irina Tkachenko
Last position: Representative (Ombudsman for Children in of the Kaliningrad region)