The head of Bashkiria Rady Khabirov on fields MNB welcomed delegation of the People's Republic of China

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The head of Bashkiria Rady Khabirov on fields MNB welcomed delegation of the People's Republic of China on November 22 the Head of Bashkortostan Rady Khabirov on fields of the International week of business welcomed delegation of the People's Republic of China. During communication with the director of the Chinese international center for business development Li Yantszyunem the head of the republic noted that for participants of a forum in Ufa the big business and cultural program is prepared. "We consider our Chinese partners as partners with boundless opportunities. I communicated recently with one priest who told me: "God created the world, and all the rest is made in...
Rady Khabirov
Last position: Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Yarovikov Oleg