On board the report of Judicial department] is approve

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The acting chairman of the Second arbitration appellate court Tatyana Shchelokaeva took part in enlarged meeting of board of Judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. On November 20 on enlarged meeting of board of Judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation the question of the approval of the report to Judicial council of the Russian Federation about activity of Judicial department in 2023 is considered. Action took place in a video conferencing mode with participation of chiefs of managements of Judicial department in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, and also chairmen of the courts. Reports made the Director general of Judicial department Gusev A. V. and...
Victor Momotov
Last position: Judge (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Gusev A. V.
Shchelokaev T. A.