In Severodvinsk start collecting the main city fir-tree

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The local town governor reported about it in a social network. As Igor Arsentyev "reported, this year about it will appear Father Frost with the Snow Maiden, and at all of the fallen in love snowmen there will be new friends". However, it did not begin to open a surprise. The head also noted that "ignition of fires on the main city fir-tree will take place on December 14, at requests of inhabitants the festive program will take place also in the day off – on December 16". Igor Arsentyev and concerning decoration of public places told: "Did not forget and about decoration of public places – it is bought LED consoles with which we will decorate Molodezhi Avenue and Seaside park. And...
Igor Arsentyev
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal entity Plesetsk district Arkhangelsk region of the Russian Federation)