Attempt, Donbass, a difference between Russians and the Ukrainian soldiers and relokant. About what Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin in interview to Ksenia Sobchak] spok

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The writer and the politician Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin gave the first big interview after attempt: its car undermined near Nizhny Novgorod in May of last year. Nearly three years later after last interview Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin again came to Ksenia Sobchak — to talk about "mafia" and "morons" in the Russian culture, Donbass, a difference between war in Israel and special military operation and about rehabilitation after act of terrorism. "Fontanka" looked at nearly two and a half hours of interview for you and collected the main statements Eugenie Nikolaevich Prilepin. Attempt, death of the companion, spinal fracture of Interview to the writer is written down in...