Prosecutors of the republic together with the Ombudsman for Children in the Republic of Dagestan visited the social and rehabilitation center for minors

@Prokuratura Respubliki Dagestan
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Today, on November 20, 2023, in the All-Russian day of legal aid to children, the deputy prosecutor of the republic Antonov Sergei, the senior assistant prosecutor of the republic on supervision of performance of laws on minors of Bakhmudov Zair together with the Ombudsman for Children in the Republic of Dagestan Marina Yezhova visited the public state institution of RD "The Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" in Makhachkala. During visit conditions of accommodation and training of minors in establishment were studied, inhabited, educational, economic rooms are surveyed. The main...
Marina Yezhova
Last position: Representative (Ombudsman for Children in of the Republic of Dagestan)
Antonov Sergei
Bakhmudov Zair