On a Week of business in Ufa will discuss TLTs "Dry Port" development

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The business section "TLTs "Dry Port" — Conceptual Decisions" will take place in the third day of the International week of business, reported in the forum organizing committee. - Possibilities of growth and opening of new sales markets for exporters of Bashkortostan with development of transport and logistic infrastructure of the region become the main subject of discussion, - the director of the Center of strategic development of RB Eugenie Bazylev noted. On section will act the branch director PAO "TransContainer" on the Kuibyshev railroad Dudenko Nicholas, the general director of management company TLTs "Dry Port" - Tchaikovsky Drachev Andrey, the head of Management...
Dudenko Nicholas
Drachev Andrey
Mishanin Vadim
Shaynurov Arthur