Nicholas Baskov estimated the song of the resident of Nizhny Novgorod Ivanova Natalia "My boy"

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The national actor placed composition on the page in a social network the National actor of Russia Nicholas Baskov supported the Nizhny Novgorod singer Ivanova Natalia. It placed on the page on a social network the song of the girl "My boy". About it reports "NewsRoom24". As the actor learned about Ivanova Natalia it is not known. However the girl thanked at once Nicholas Baskov for attention. – Nicholas Baskov as I am happy! Let my song will be heard by as much as possible people, – Ivanova Natalia wrote. Let's note, Ivanova Natalia became the author of words and music for composition "My boy". The resident of Nizhny Novgorod admitted that this...
Nicholas Baskov
Last position: Singer
Pavel Alekseevich Volya
Last position: Leading Comedy Club (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TNT-TELESET")
Ivanova Natalia
Oparin Daniil
Utekhina Xenia