The actor from "Streets of the broken lamps" and "Cops' wars" Iosif Koshelevich] die

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St. Petersburg, on November 18 - AIF-Petersburg. In Petersburg the actor of Aleksandrinsky theater Iosif Koshelevich who has devoted to it of 35 years of life died. The establishment press service reported about it. Iosif Iosifovich Koshelevich died on November 17. He was born on August 20, 1949. In troupe of the State academic drama theater of. A.S. Pushkin (the Alexandrinsky Theatre from 1920 to 1990 so was called) him accepted in 1989 – already mature master. Before Iosif Koshelevich worked 16 years at a scene of the Russian drama theater of a name of Samed Vurgun (Azerbaijan, Baku). During service in Aleksandrinskom...