Prikotenko Andrey and "A red torch" will show "the little person in space" Gogol

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Today, on November 17, in Novosibirsk "A red torch" there will take place a premiere of performance Prikotenko Andrey "Dead souls" based on Gogol's poem. The premiere becomes the first statement Prikotenko Andrey in the status of the main director theaters "A red torch". Let's remind, he was appointed to this position in January, 2023. Before it Timofey Aleksandrovich Kulyabin who left the post on April 21, 2022 borrowed. As the invited director Prikotenko Andrey cooperated with "A red torch" and earlier: in 2005 it put here "Tartyuf", and in the 2010th — the performance "Silvestre". ""Dead souls" as idea for statement arose...
Timofey Aleksandrovich Kulyabin
Main activity:Cultural worker
Prikotenko Andrey
Shaishmelashvili Olga
Binkin Konstantin