Eugenie Sarsenbaev pass searches in offices of the deputy of ZS of Angarski Krai

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To the known Angarsk businessman and the deputy of Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region from Communist Party of the Russian Federation Eugenie Sarsenbaev investigators SKR SU on the region appeared suddenly. About it in the morning on November 17 reported the Shishkin Wood telegram-channel. Later arrival of security officers was confirmed also by Eugenie Sarsenbaev. Searches and other investigative events were held in a residence and in production premises of firms Eugenie Sarsenbaev. The criminal case brought concerning one of large buyers of production of companies of Eugenie Sarsenbaev became a reason for them. Inspections of mutual calculations between two companies are carried out. "My conscience is true, and...
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Main activity:Communication and IT
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Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.