To Novosibirsk Region started building 39 more houses with support the Siberian banks

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Only since the beginning of 2023 the area of built housing increased by 360 thousand square meters. The number of the new buildings built with financial support Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" in Novosibirsk Region by November 1, 2023 reached 306 that is 39 more, than at the beginning of a year. The area of constructions thus in 10 months of the current year grew by 361 thousand square meters, having reached 1,7 million squares. The region traditionally acts as the leader of the construction market of Siberia. More than a half of all objects under construction and nearly a half of total amount of financings falls to its share. Nicholas Shilov, managing director...
Nicholas Shilov
Last position: Managing director of the Kemerovo office No. 8615 (Sibirsky bank PJSC Sberbank)
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
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