The ruble on Thursday moderately raised to dollar and yuan, and to euro lost day growth

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Moscow. November 16. information agency "Interfaks" - US dollar and the Chinese yuan went down a little, euro won back day losses and managed to leave in plus at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE following the results of auctions Thursday after in the first half of session all three currencies updated the minimum marks since the end of June - the beginning of July. The ruble slightly became stronger to a dual currency basket in the conditions of more significant growth together with dollar. The US dollar exchange rate made 89,15 rub / $1 at 19:00 that closings of the previous auctions are 30,75 kopeks lower. Earlier the dollar fell to 88,57 rub for the first time since July 4. By this time cost 97,26 rub/EUR1 euro...