The honourable citizen Sverdlovsk Region became the head of the Ural association

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The head of the Ural association in Moscow Vladimir Petrovich Strashko became one more Honourable citizen Sverdlovsk Region. About it reported in the Rosselban TG-channel. The Ural Meridian news agency reported that in 2023 Honourable citizens of Yekaterinburg became the art director of Estrada the bard Alexander Novikov, the president of FC Urals <2> Grigory Ivanov , the president of UTPP Besedin Andrey and the rector of URGEU Silin Yakov. We also wrote that Honourable citizens of Yekaterinburg in honor of the 300 anniversary of the city were entitled "Sim-lenda" owner Simanovsky Andrey, the director general "Skilled design office...
Vladimir Petrovich Strashko
Main activity:Official
Alexander Novikov
Last position: Artistic director (GAUKSO "UGTE")
Ivanov Grigory
Besedin Andrey
Silin Yakov