"Providing food security — one of key tasks modern Russian Federation" — the Olympic Games semi-final on agrogenetics came to the end in FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU

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150 young scientists on a platform FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU proposed perspective solutions of actual problems of an agrarian and industrial complex. Among finds of participants of a semi-final of the All-Russian Olympic Games on agrogenetics for "Innagrik's" seniors — selection of drought-resistant crops, treatment of a virus of pigs, creation of bacterial fertilizers and others. "The most worthy gathered for a semi-final of the Olympic Games — future high quality experts who will generate perspective ideas and to make breakthrough discoveries for the benefit of our country. Providing...