The book of publishing houses IMLI RAN "In search of unity. About the Solovki and not only" became the winner competitions Publishing council of RO Russian Orthodox church

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Books of IMLI/employees of IMLI the Collection of articles Cand.Phil.Sci. of the priest Umnyagin Vyacheslav gained the diploma of the third degree of XVIII Open competition the editions "Education through the Book" of Publishing council of RO Russian Orthodox church in the nomination "The Best Spiritual and Patriotic Book". The edition included articles and the sketches written by the author for operating time as the editor-in-chief of a book series "Memoirs of the Solovki prisoners of 1923-1939. " publishing department of Spaso-Preobrazhenskoye of the Solovetsky stavropigialny man's Monastery. In the different years celebrated by a contest committee materials, were...
Felix Razumovsky
Last position: The author and the host of the programs "Who Are We?" on Kultura channel (VGTRK)
Umnyagin Vyacheslav
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Main activity:Science and education